About Us

Reasons2Live.org partners with groups who are active in suicide prevention and postvention efforts, working together to provide educational materials to save lives.

Reasons2live.org was originally conceived as the National Suicide Help Center (NSHC). NSHC was founded during the farm crisis of the mid-1980s by T. Mitchell Anthony. The organization has been instrumental in assisting suicide prevention and postvention efforts around the globe, including the establishment of Fundacion Rescatando Vidas in Costa Rica as well as efforts in Australia, Ukraine, and Russia. Our mission is to provide relational skills training as a way to fight against self-destructive behaviors. We provide inspiration and motivation for preventing the unnecessary loss of life.

The organization does not solicit donations. We offer free downloads (in multiple languages) of our resources, and provide print versions at cost.

T. Mitchell Anthony

T. Mitchell Anthony

T. Mitchell Anthony has been providing suicide education and resources for 30 years. He first became aware of the depth and breadth of suicide when he started a suicide prevention hotline during the farming crisis of the 1980s. His work led him to found Reasons2Live.org, a website dedicated to preventing suicide.

T. Mitchell is the author of 7 Reasons to Keep On Living, translated into many languages, and the award-winning book, Suicide: Knowing When Your Teen Is At Risk. The father of four children, T. Mitchell and his wife Debbie reside in Rochester, MN.

email T. Mitchell Anthony

David & Christi Eaton

David and Christine Eaton

For Christine & David Eaton, the topic of suicide is real and personal. The Eaton’s have lived it. And they know and understand how suicide can deeply impact individuals, families, and communities within this nation. Due to what they experienced in their family, they wanted to make a difference and help in whatever way they could to prevent this type of tragedy from happening to others. BUT HOW? Through prayer and intense searching of their hearts they felt God tugging on them to, of all things, make a movie.

So how can anybody make a movie about suicide? It’s not exactly a popular topic. “We dove into this because we wanted to save lives. And with this movie, HOPE BRIDGE, we feel it’s strongly possible. Our desire was to shed light on the issues that surround this topic that many would rather sweep under the rug. It’s something that people don’t want to talk about. There’s a sense of shame, embarrassment and stigma that’s often associated with those who have gone through it. That simply needs to disappear and this is an avenue that will lead people to start talking about it on so many levels.”

Christine & David have six children together and currently reside in Cincinnati, OH.

email Christine Eaton

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If you or someone you know needs hope and help,

please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline:

1-800-273-8255 now!